
SoraVideo is an open-source project that simplifies video creation by allowing users to generate videos online with OpenAI's Sora model using text, featuring easy one-click website deployment.

FakeSora is designed to simulate the yet-to-be-released OpenAI Sora API.

Example video generated by Sora

Prompt: A large orange octopus is seen resting on the bottom of the ocean floor, blending in with the sandy and rocky terrain. Its tentacles are spread out around its body, and its eyes are closed. The octopus is unaware of a king crab that is crawling towards it from behind a rock, its claws raised and ready to attack. The crab is brown and spiny, with long legs and antennae. The scene is captured from a wide angle, showing the vastness and depth of the ocean. The water is clear and blue, with rays of sunlight filtering through. The shot is sharp and crisp, with a high dynamic range. The octopus and the crab are in focus, while the background is slightly blurred, creating a depth of field effect.

Prompt: New York City submerged like Atlantis. Fish, whales, sea turtles and sharks swim through the streets of New York

What is Sora

OpenAI's Sora model is an advanced AI designed to convert text into video.

It generates realistic and imaginative scenes based on text descriptions, creating multiple characters and accurately simulating specific motions and scene details.

Impressive in language understanding and video production, Sora offers creative professionals a new tool for innovation.

For more detailed information, visit OpenAI's official website

What is SoraVideo

SoraVideo is an open-source web platform that enables users to generate videos from text using OpenAI's Sora model.

It simplifies the video creation process, allowing for easy deployment and use.

With SoraVideo, anyone can create videos by simply inputting text, making it an accessible tool for both professionals and enthusiasts in video production and AI technology.

For more information, you can visit the SoraVideo website or its GitHub repository